Post Overview

Do the right thing and don’t talk about it

It is probably surprising to say this as PR and communications professionals. The corona crisis is the time of silent heroes who work in the hospitals, retail markets, transportation or garbage collection. It is also the time of self-declared heroes who use the corona crisis…
09 April, 2020

Meetings for Future

Travel is an important aspect of global business. It enables good cooperation, building trust between team members located in various countries and, last not least, it feeds the ego. Frequent travel, even today, equals prestige, as do a high budget and a lot of resources.…
27 January, 2020

It takes a little help for leaders to lead

Employees expect to be briefed by their managers, particularly when it comes to transformation or change of any kind. For example if they are meant to be adopting new ways of working, using new tools and processes, developing new skills and capabilities, or – the…
27 May, 2019

Communications – time to focus on content again

There are many guides and tools for developing key messages. There are also many communicators who create them while working diligently in isolation. The result: smooth and fine-sounding phrases, most often heavily decorated with corporate jargon, that are then used to populate your communications and marketing material.…
17 May, 2019

Some lessons for change managers from economists – how to nudge

Next to popular books about change management that often offer not much more than common sense advice, there are a lot of books worth reading and very useful to our profession and which do not necessarily deal directly with change management.  “Nudge” by Richard H. Thaler…
15 January, 2018